Promo Film - Fly Crew Insertion

Shot in the sweltering summer of 2018, Fly Crew Insertion was developed as a training short film. Being didactically sound, it was both an exciting introduction for students attending the course and a visual reference they could go back and utilize.

Short Film - Immergo

Shot in the summer of 2019, Immergo was developed as another training short film. Used as both an introduction for students to the course, and a visual reference to go back to.

Short Film - Metro Incident

Shot in the summer of 2017, Metro Incident was developed as another training short film. Used as both an introduction for students to the course, and a visual reference to go back to.

Social Media Promo - Training as One (Feat. Harrison Ford)

Developed in Conjunction with the Regional Training Group and Advanced Problem Solving, this promo was developed as a hook to engage all 30+ fire departments in the Southern California Region.

Social Media Promo - Firehouse World 2019 (Feat. Harrison Ford)

Developed for The Los Angeles County Fire Department and Firehouse World, this promo was developed as a social media promo for fire departments around the nation.

Public Service Announcement (TV) - Water Watchers (Feat. Paul Rodriguez)

Developed for the Los Angeles County Fire Department and winner of a TV Emmy for PSA's. Featuring comedian Paul Rodriguez.

Promo (TV) - "California Fires"

Created in tandem with LACoFD Fire Foundation, this TV promo was developed as a National Commercial that unfortunately never aired.

Promo PSA (TV) - In Your Town

Developed as a PSA Promo for television for the residents of Los Angeles County and winner of a TV Emmy for PSA's.

Motion Graphics Mini Reel

A few samples of motion graphics I have done, mostly with After Effects.